Wholesale Purchase & Sale Agreement Template

  • Lock in Wholesale Deals – Use the right PSA with property owners to get more properties under contract for wholesaling.

  • Clear & Flexible Agreement – A reliable baseline for structuring wholesale real estate transactions and deals.

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  • Lock in Wholesale Deals – Use the right PSA with property owners to get more properties under contract for wholesaling.

  • Clear & Flexible Agreement – A reliable baseline for structuring wholesale real estate transactions and deals.

  • Lock in Wholesale Deals – Use the right PSA with property owners to get more properties under contract for wholesaling.

  • Clear & Flexible Agreement – A reliable baseline for structuring wholesale real estate transactions and deals.

Get Immediate Access to Our Wholesale Real Estate Contract Template

This wholesale real estate contract template serves as the primary agreement between a buyer and seller in the real estate purchase process. Its purpose is to list the property purchase details, provide property information, outline specific purchase terms between the buyer and seller, and address financing arrangements, among other important property purchase elements. It includes various provisions that you may need if you plan to assign the real estate contract to another buyer (commonly referred to as ‘wholesaling’). It is important to review all sections in the wholesale real estate agreement template, customize them to your specific deal, and seek validation from legal and financial professionals before formalizing the agreement.

Other Documents You May Need With The Wholesale Real Estate Contract Template

While we have provided the main purchase and sale document needed for a wholesale real estate transaction, additional property sale documents and clauses may be necessary. These could be specifically required by the county, city, and state to process your transaction, such as a Seller Property Condition & Disclosure Statement, Lead-Based Paint Disclosure, and other potential real estate documents. It is important to do your due diligence and seek validation from a local legal professional before finalizing an agreement to ensure that all required documents and clauses are included in your wholesale real estate contract.

It’s important to note that the wholesale real estate agreement template is different from an Assignment Agreement, which serves the purpose of assigning the wholesale purchase and sale agreement to another buyer after placing a property under contract. An Assignment Agreement should be executed with the new buyer to transfer the wholesale real estate contract to them. You can find a copy of our Wholesale Assignment Agreement Template on our templates page.

If you plan to sell your property with seller financing, consider obtaining our Seller Financing Addendum Template. This can be attached to this wholesale real estate contract (PSA). Alternatively, you can opt for our Seller Financing Wholesale Purchase & Sale Agreement Template, which includes both this Wholesale PSA and the Seller Financing Addendum.

Delivery: Instant Download
Format: Microsoft Word Document
Price: $24.99 USD

Note that this wholesale real estate contract template is created for buyers looking to wholesale and assign properties. If you’re evaluating the sale of your property, then you should use our Purchase and Sale Agreement Template for Sellers.